NOTE: From version 2.0.0 the downloading all TLDs takes approximately 7 minutes and downloading the complete set of wholesale prices takes approximately 20 seconds. Local pricing is updated after this and the whole process is complete in less than 10 minutes.

As the TLDs available to your eNom account change infrequently the download of TLDs can be set to weekly, monthly etc. meaning that the daily download of wholesale orices and update of local pricing is completed in a couple of minutes.

Please be aware that prior to version 2.0.0, whilst the process of downloading the TLDs is quite quick, the download of the complete set of wholesale prices takes in the order of 1hr 40min.

We recommend you upgrade to the latest version as soon as possible.

From version 1.4.0, the importing of all the TLDs available to your eNom account is automated and occurs at a time according the settings set in Setup->Addon Modules->Configuration. The key settings can also be set from the 'Quick Actions' page.

If eNom TLDs have not previously been downloaded, e.g. the module is being installed for the first time or it has been Deactivated/Reactivated, then all eNom TLDs available to your account will be downloaded when the WHMCS Cron runs next irrespective of the time set in 'Run auto updates at'.

After that, future downloads will be made according the time in 'Run auto updates at', the frequency in 'Download eNom TLDs' and the day in 'Download eNom TLDs on'.


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